by Chris Billowsin Business Beller, Mental Mischief1 commentstags: Awareness / Understanding, Blogging, Business Development
2023 is a new year of contrasts for me. While I am feeling positive about my own personal life, I am also very disturbed by the war in Ukraine, the oppression and murder of people in Iran and China. The general state of geopolitics is very concerning and I believe we are heading towards years of cold and hot conflict between the West and the illiberal order. This make me thankful for my good fortune and also sensitive to those less fortunate. Looking back at 2022, I updated my passion project at Heropath by releasing a couple of small incremental demos. I also refocused my attention by closing down some projects and by doing so have made some progress on some ideas that have been percolating with me for decades. I will be slowing down my posts to Journals of Doc Surge to every 3-4 months as I get busy with those projects. Which brings me to some news of what I’ve been working on the past few months and will continue to work on in 2023. These two projects, about Music and Sport respectively. are related in an obvious and a personal way for me, Both are forms of […]
by Chris Billowsin Business Beller, Hobby Heedings1 commentstags: Awareness / Understanding, Business Development, Change of Mind, Personal Resolve, Self Analysis
It has been almost a year ago that I made a commitment to spent time developing coding skills and I’m providing an update about my efforts. I can say that it has been a real joy to feel a sense of progress since I’ve undertaken this new endeavor. Here are the details Here is a pictures of what I’ve spent time at. Thanks to Procrastitracker I am able to share these images of my progress when I started October 11, 2021 up to September 30, 2022: In summary, I’ve spent about 41 hours watching videos and reading about game development, 54 hours planning and writing, and about 63 hours doing actual coding. I’ve done less than 2 hours a week of actual coding. At this rate it will take me years to get to 1,000 or 10,000 hours! This past year has given me six insights: I feel validated about my initial conviction to avoid GameDev because it is engrossing, allot of work, and will take 100s of hours to accomplish anything of merit. While it is a huge undertaking, it is possible to do this in small increments. I now see GameDev skill development being acquired by carving out […]
by Chris Billowsin Political Ponderings, Republic of Bloggers2 commentstags: Human Condition, Political Opinion, Virtuous Discourse
An open letter to Chris Bateman responding to his blog-serial The Ascenturian Saga at Only A Game as part of the Republic of Bloggers. Feel welcome to provide your own input via the Comments. Dear Chris, Thank you for the writings on what is means to be a Ascenturian. How inspiring and fun! I consider it a pinnacle of your blog’s Roleplaying Game concept. You called on others to roleplay the engaging on ideas and the Ascenturian saga invites others to contemplate and roleplay a future that we will never experience. A serious yet fun game that I am joining through this reply to you. In your series you identify six principles that you consider vital for the human species to survive into the future. In keeping with the roleplaying game theme, these six principles can be likened to RPG character traits which need to be levelled up to advance the game. Below are your ASCENT principles: The Principle of Assembly: Assemble a plurality of reciprocal collectives of any viable kind. The Principle of Sustainability: Reject accelerating technology for perfectible techniques. The Principle of Commonisation: Create commons that are open to aid in the subsistence of all. The Principle of Elevation: Secure solidarity by eliminating poverty. The Principle of Normalisation: Achieve neutral population growth without […]
by Chris Billowsin Business Beller, Playstates Theory0 commentstags: Business Development, Change of Mind, Games Analysis, Personal Resolve
Since I’ve gotten over my scarcity hurdle, I’ve found an increase in creativity for me. This new energy has lead me to refocus on new core interests by closing down projects and renaming others. Below is my announcement of changes: Billows Enterprise – My root website that acts as a starting point for my business offerings. Used to be called Promaginy (08/2004 to 12/2016) and then Billows Cyber Holdings (2017 to 2019). The recent name change reflects a shift to include coaching and consulting as an offering in the future. Billows Cyber Enterprises – My business offerings of web apps and web sites that will replace Also to be closed down will be and EpicStartPage as I refocus to take aspects of those sites for a new web app. Those web sites never worked as well as I wanted and its time to mothball them and move on. Chris Billows Video Games – It slowly dawned on me that that doing things I am passionate about even a little each day gives me increased energy and this applies to my game development offering. I also decided to not get ahead of myself by trying to create a studio. […]
by Chris Billowsin Playstates Theory0 commentstags: Game Philosophy, Games Analysis, Playstates
Play Motifs (used to be Playstates) has been a series of blog posts attempting to map play and video games but it never touched on the whole cycle of game development, release, and player adoption. So I have created a new concept called Play Accords to capture this. Play Accords got its genesis through two earlier blogs I wrote: Layered DissonanceĀ and Immersion Accords. Those two blogs teased out some ideas that were interesting and as I thought about, could be combined to create a model that captured the game dev cycle. The Play Accords consists of five steps as follows: Inspiration – These are the genres, Play Motifs, mechanics, and more that capture the imagination of developers. Developers – These are the people who a drawn to respond to what inspires them. They take that inspiration and engineer it to fit into a brand new video game. This new video game in turn attracts players. Players – These are the people who play the developer’s video game. They are diverse and include fans, fandoms, critics, scholars, and theorists. Players represent the critical ingredient to the video game reaching its most complete state for when a video game is put in […]
by Chris Billowsin Playstates Theory0 commentstags: Games Analysis
Video Games have been around since 1962 and I got thinking about the myriad ways they’ve been delivered to players. The list below is a comprehensive collection based on my research and is shared as a repository that others may find interesting. There are three broad categories of delivery: location, format, and style. — Delivery via location (physical to digital): University Labs Coin up / Arcades Retail / Consumer purchase (computers and consoles) BBS / Dial-in Service Shareware/Freeware mail-order Online / Digital download — Delivery Format (physical to digital): Server repository (computers) Cabinet (arcade) Printed code that you input (computers) Cartridge (consoles) Diskettes/CD/DVD (consoles, computers) Digital download (consoles, computers, smart-phones) — Delivery Style (continuation & content): Session-limited Save games Save codes Save points Persistence / MMO Demo/Full version Episodic Downloaded Content In-App Purchase
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