by Chris Billowsin Business Beller, Hobby Heedings0 commentstags: Blogging, Introduction
I’ve finally arrived to WordPress, an amazing free platform to do self-journal-ling online or what is called blogging (shortened from weblogging). I thought it would be neat to share a little bit of how I got here. In 1995 a family member setup an Internet Service Provider and I was one of his first customers. I developed my first website back in 1995 called The Digital Tree. It was an eclectic mix of interests combining interest in politics, spirituality, video games, etc. I expanded this website to allow for some political action ventures including the Green Party of Manitoba and Canadians for Proportional Representation. In 2000 I became more involved with politics and created a book that made the striking case that Canada’s First Past the Post elections are twisting voting intentions. I wrote and self-published an ebook called Polls, Parties, and Power that measured elections across the Canadian federation. This was captured in Beacon Publishing, a personal venture that attempted to also do some affiliate marketing as a sideline. My interest in politics waned as my idealistic notions ran up against stark realities. My lack of patience ushered me out of the political arena. This lead to […]
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