by Chris Billowsin Business Beller, Hobby Heedings0 commentstags: Playstates, Summarizing a Business Organization
With my intention to being doing coding and game development, I got thinking about the definition of being an Indie Game Developer. Indies are distinct from AAA & AA level game developers which are enterprises that do game development so to develop profits for its shareholders. They are value creation machines, driven by passion to create great gaming experiences for the marketplace. Indies also are driven by passion but they approach it differently. I think of them being the single ‘A’ level game developers, with the ‘A’ meaning Amateur. Yet as the game development industry has expanded, so should the definition of what an Indie is. So I believe that ‘A’ level game developers should three sub-categories: A-I, A-II, and A-III. Basically the more money and resources available determines the level. A-I is an Independent effort, A-II is 2-10 people working together, and A-III is 11+ people working together. All of these A level game developers start off unpaid but as they build their product they may carry-on unfunded, self-funded, family-funded, or crowd-funded depending on the scale of the game. AAA The largest sized game developers in the industry employing 100s to 1000s Ā Ā AA The medium sized […]
by Chris Billowsin Hobby Heedings, Playstates Theory1 commentstags: Game Philosophy, Playstates
Over at I shared a couple of comments relating to his definitions on Games. #1 Hi David! I appreciate your definition āa playful activity with rules and goals.ā but do think it does not go deep enough. A jigsaw puzzle has rules and a goal, but its not a game (which is why its called a puzzle). A role-playing game also has a rules and goals, but its not a game like chess is. Iāve come up with a definition to games that satisfies my mind and I would like to share it. āGames are about the Play of Measurementā. The measurement can be physics (3D shooters), grid (board games), tractable (CRPGs), etc. Iāve included a link to my theory blog post so would welcome your thoughts. Best regards, Chris #2 I agree with you. A Jigsaw puzzle is not a game, but could be made a game by adding a time limit (complete the puzzle in x amount of time). I believe you would say that this is an example of conflict (race vs the clock) while I would see it as a Puzzle made into a Game by the addition of the Play of Measurement (time being […]
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