by Chris Billowsin Mental Mischief0 commentstags: Human Condition, Human Mystery
Do you remember those superheroes or futuristic adventurers who could read minds and would possess an advantage that always allowed them to defeat the villain? I do, and I always thought it would be so cool to have Telepathy. If we could understand what everyone else was thinking, would that not make life easier? There would be no more guessing what your partner, family, coworkers thought. You just would know. It would improve understanding and make communication easier. Sounds like a good thing. But, now I think there are a couple of really good, solid, and practical reasons we did not evolve to have telepathy: Self-preservation and our need for solitude. Our self-preservation would be compromised If we knew exactly what other people were thinking. We would probably go insane if we had no way of shutting out another’s thoughts. Our own minds are crazy enough, so I would not also want to know everyone else’s thoughts. We would hear every stupid, hostile, and inane thought which would have us ending up in mortal strife with everyone. Look how poor communication creates problems already. Solitude allows us to keep secrets, plan in private, mull things over, and ultimately find some […]
by Chris Billowsin Mental Mischief0 commentstags: Human Condition, Human Mystery
Concerning my last blog, a friend of mine commented via email that he thinks there would be a societal benefit if we followed a lunar calendar. Men would be able to better track women’s menstrual cycles and the resulting PMS which would prompt the men to lay low and thus promote domestic harmony. Makes sense to me! 🙂 Still, this blog would not be complete without an educational component. Wikipedia to the rescue! The basis of the western calendar comes from the Romans. The calendar was then modified by Julius Caesar in 46 BCE. And that calendar was further modified by Pope Gregory in 1582 CE. Neither the Romans and Catholics can be considered to be historically sensitive to women which would explain why the calendar reflects a non-lunar, non-feminine cycle. Ironically, ignoring the women in the west has led to men being ritually pearl-harbored every month by the women in their lives. Curse you Julius & Gregory! (shakes virtual fist).
by Chris Billowsin Mental Mischief0 commentstags: Human Condition, Human Mystery
Have you ever noticed how our 12 month calendar has no symmetry or pattern? The 31 day month does not even alternate with non-31 day months to follow a pattern. It really is a mess and should be fixed. If every month was shortened to 28 days, or basically a lunar cycle of four 7-day weeks, we would have room for a 13th month. Days Month Days More that 28 Days 31 Jan 3 more days than 28 28 Feb 0 more days than 28 31 Mar 3 more days than 28 30 Apr 2 more days than 28 31 May 3 more days than 28 30 Jun 2 more days than 28 31 Jul 3 more days than 28 31 Aug 3 more days than 28 30 Sep 2 more days than 28 31 Oct 3 more days than 28 30 Nov 2 more days than 28 31 Dec 3 more days than 28 365 29 days left over if each month was 28 days With 29 days left over, we could create a 13th month of 28 days and then have an extra day that would not belong to any month. Call it nil-day or something. What’s […]
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