by Chris Billowsin Political Ponderings0 commentstags: Comprehensive Analysis, Political Opinion, Poltical Party Corruption
In my previous post I listed a ranking of political parties from the frivolous to the functional. Despite their ideological and practical differences, they all function for the same purpose: To gain power and to use this power to make the world a better place according to their principles. My experience in the Green Party which I consider to be the most egalitarian and sensitive political party is that the very nature of party politics brings out the worst in people. The people in the Green party believe that they are being inclusive, sensitive, and egalitarian. In fact, they use those concepts in as ideological weapons to silence those who do not agree with them. Inclusiveness becomes pandering to special interest groups, sensitivity becomes political correctness, and egalitarianism becomes communism. The problem is that the Greens share the same corrupt social structure as the other parties. They are held together by ideology which is used in the worst way to silence those who do not agree with those in power. In my earlier blog Ideology vs Philosophy, the biggest problem in politics is the abdication of personal responsibility to blindly follow party ideology. So what’s the solution? In doing a […]
by Chris Billowsin Political Ponderings0 commentstags: Comprehensive Analysis, Political Opinion
I was cleaning up some of my files and I came across a hierarchy list that I created when I was involved in politics. I was thinking about how political parties range from the perennial governing party such as the Liberal Party of Canada to others who are a party in name only, but actually do not contest any elections. The listing ranges from the practical purpose of governing to the social purpose of providing an outlet for the politically and socially isolated. Government Parties – broad-based coalition parties that form government after every election. (Liberal Party, Conservative Party) Parliamentary Parties – movement or regionally based parties that usually win seats after every election. (New Democratic Party, Reform Party, Bloc Quebecois, Social Credit Party, National Progressive Party) Ideological Parties – fundamental ideological or issue parties that contest elections but rarely win seats. (Green Party, Christian Heritage Party, Communist Party, etc.) Concept Parties – small, idea parties that are somewhat organized but rarely contest elections. (Rainbow Coalition Party, Collective Group Party, Canadian Party for Renewal, etc.) Wilderness Parties – minor parties that are unable to contest elections but try to influence citizens to support their platform. Many of them are established […]
by Chris Billowsin Political Ponderings0 commentstags: Change of Mind, Human Condition, Human History
Welcome to my first ever blog post! I hope to post on a range of topics that intrigue me. Adam Bellow states correctly that nepotism has been with human history since the beginning of our species. He states that biological nepotism is the basis of social cooperation and became the main tool that has allowed our species to thrive and colonize the planet. The biological drive to care for one’s relatives has evolved complex patterns of social reciprocity that not only allowed for society to be created, but for civilization to flourish. As Westerners, we have been socialized into believing that nepotism is a bad thing. To most of us, nepotism is synonymous with corruption and familial self-interest. Bellow explains in 420+ pages that nepotism has redeeming qualities, has played a critical role in the development of every historical figure, and that we are fooling ourselves if we think it will go away. Starting from the nepostic practice amongst animals, moving on to ancient cultures, and then to the modern era of the political dynasties in American politics (the Kennedys and Bushes), Bellow explains through literary reference and analysis how nepotism has helped humans thrive. Bellow pulls off a […]
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