by Chris Billowsin Political Ponderings, Republic of Bloggers0 commentstags: Corruption of Democracy, Political Opinion
An open letter to Chris Bateman responding to his blog-letterĀ Considering Politics at Only A Game as part of the Republic of Bloggers. Feel welcome to provide your own input via the Comments. Dear Chris, I’m writing this blog-letter to one of your really old articles – Considering Politics you posted way back in 2006! I stumbled on that article a few years ago, bookmarked it, forgot about it, then re-read it, and started drafting a response about three years ago. Some fascinating ideas are worth coming back to, especially these kind of idea starters that prompt us to look at things from a new perspective. I love your idea of meta signals/temperaments that cut across political movements. Your analysis makes sense and is possibly one of a few factors that driver voter participation and attitude towards politics. I also think that there may be an overarching factor that affects all of those signals/temperaments. I have a theory that voter disinterest, increased amount of non-voters, and general disdain towards politicians and politics is because Western Liberal Democracy does such a good job of creating comfort and disinterest. Let’s call it Too Comfortable To Care. We have systematically created more and more […]
by Chris Billowsin Political Ponderings0 commentstags: Corruption of Democracy, Human Condition, Political Opinion
Months ago, I was doing some Google searches on different philosophical tangents and one of them was “Critiques of Democracy” and I stumbled upon an intriguing website called Promethea. What caught my interest was its statement on its notes page that “all things should be examined according to their impact on life, and popularity by itself is not enough endorsement.” Wow! That struck home and made so much sense. Democracy is not about rationally evaluating what matters or counts most, but about simply giving power to people who are not necessarily capable of measuring or judging competently. Instead voters resort to treating democracy as popularity contests. The site is extensive and I personally find the reference to a mythical character of Prometheus to be very cool. It speaks about Individualism but appears to understand that there is no such thing as a self-made person for we are dependent on the sacrifices of others. Its anti-collectivist stance appears to be a bit too rigid – if individuals have freedom, then surely they have the freedom to join (and leave) a collective. Its something I will peruse over the next year and write a more extensive summary. Check it out…
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