by Chris Billowsin Playstates Theory0 commentstags: Definitions
So what does Play mean? We all know you can play a game. But you can also play a song, play a movie, or be in a play. Its a verb “to engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose”, and a noun “an activity engaged in for enjoyment and recreation, especially by children”. Yet, we use the word in more playful ways. When you play a movie, everyone knows that you are not playing it like you would a game of Minecraft. You play a song, play in a band, play a sport, or play on a person’s emotions. A person can play a Vine adventure but also play an Online Battle Arena. That’s why we need to relax when it comes to defining what ‘Play’ means. To play a game requires different skills and senses depending on the game. There are lots of ways to Play, so that’s why we have lots of different kinds of games. Play is not work, yet some games demand such a high level of effort and skill, they will demand more investment than some less demanding paid work. So go ahead and play. Just don’t forget […]
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