by Chris Billowsin Spirit Speculations0 commentstags: Defining Life, New Types of Intelligence, Quotations
I stumbled across a highly recommended website that deals with emotional intelligence, but defines it instead as Emotional Competency. My own experience in working with people and with meditation is that emotions are essential components of our being. Those who advocate sterile logic and academic intelligence fall into the trap of ignoring emotions and thus disabling their understanding of what makes people human. I would say it is like Oscar Wilde’s quote that the cynic knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing. Replace the term ‘cost’ with ‘measurement’ and we can see why emotions are ignored since they impossible to measure. But because emotions are not measurable we should not ignore them. Doing so is at our own peril. Check it out…
by Chris Billowsin Spirit Speculations0 commentstags: New Types of Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Thank IQ written by Daniel Goleman helped save western psychology. It broke away from the myopic view that intelligence is information based and added a needed layer of understanding about what it means to be human. His concept of Emotional Intelligence helps define people in a new way and explains why some people are more successful than others. Daniel Goleman sets out to explain that we as humans are governed in large part by our emotional health. Because it is our brain that interprets our relationship with the physical and social environment, the state of our emotions are a big determinant in how well our brain does the interpreting. Goleman is not denying emotions or their usefulness, but does say that if emotions are allowed to run rampant, problems will follow. We all know that emotions can hi-jack one’s ability to think rationally. When one’s rationality is impacted upon, the ability to function optimally is compromised. Goleman explains that it is both possible and necessary to control these emotions through the practice of Emotional Intelligence. Not only is Goleman suggesting that both individuals and society would benefit to be Emotionally Intelligent but that […]
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