It is truly stunning. Software developers are releasing games and applications on the iPhone platform for $0.99 and despite the low price their games are still pirated. Developers are finding evidence that 90% of their games are being played without being paid for. The same thing appears to be happening in the music, movie, and book industry as everything has become digitized. People expect their content to be free.
But content creation is work, and for the most part people need to be paid for their work. Pirates disagree and feel completely entitled to use this content without paying for it. There are even political parties that articulate their position. They tell us that all copyrights and patents are harmful and that stealing from content creators is an act of freedom.
Yes, playing a iPhone game that sells for only $0.99 without paying for it sure makes the world a freer place. Talk about self-deluded self-entitlement.
Well, here is an article that completely destroys their position. PC Game Piracy Examined. Check it out.
To me the solution is not to prevent piracy (which is impossible), but to punish it. The only way to change a deluded sense of entitlement is to directly contradict it. The best way to do this is by shaming the position they take until they realize how wrong they are. The above web article takes a good step towards doing this.
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