by Chris Billowsin Republic of Bloggers0 commentstags: Defining Life, Human Condition, Meaning of Life
An open letter to Chris Bateman responding to his blog-letter Every Cause of Death Matters at Only A Game as part of the Republic of Bloggers. Feel welcome to provide your own input via the Comments. Dear Chris, I want to commend you for taking on a topic that is wholly lacking in our sensationalism-driven, hyper-sensitive COVID-19 fixation thanks to our modern media. You elaborated eloquently about how we don’t have a rational relationship with reporting on the causes of death and this leaves us poorer and more vulnerable to false information. I could not agree more. I’m believe you exaggerated your position to in order to make your point and in doing so lost some of the nuance that I feel compelled to address. You alluded to it in your statement: This principle does not mean that we are wrong to care about some causes of death more than others – on the contrary, it would be reckless to replace it with a principle that ‘every cause of death matters equally‘. I’ve known you long enough to recognize you are pitching a position with the hope that somebody will engage with it and so I will happily […]
by Chris Billowsin Spirit Speculations0 commentstags: Defining Life, Human Condition, Meaning of Life, Quotations
I am convinced that personal responsibility is the single most important decision facing humanity. I see evidence of this in humanity’s relationship with the great spiritual masters such as Buddha and Jesus. Assuming that we accept the premise that these masters were also great teachers, we must ask if it is the teacher’s fault if the student does not practice what is taught. Buddha taught for about fifty years and was highly revered as a teacher. Yet despite all his efforts there has been, and will continue to be, people who cannot or will not take his teachings to heart. This proves to me that students have the birthright of personal responsibility. Taking personal responsibility is the basis of every sound business, every helpful psychological system, and the every mystical tradition that the world has ever seen. It is simply the crux of everything.
by Chris Billowsin Mental Mischief0 commentstags: Challenging Atheism, Meaning of Life, Quotations
There has been lots of press over the past three years about the Four Atheist Horsemen (Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens). I find it both compelling and ridiculous the self-styling of themselves as the bringers of destruction to theistic thinking. Definitely a creative bit of imagery but criticizing monotheism or religious thought is not the same thing as endorsing the plagues and destruction that the mythical horsemen represent. In this way it is misdirected, self-aggrandizing, and reeks of pontification. I have not read much by them, with the exception of some editorials and a few blog posts by Sam Harris (who appears to be the most thoughtful). I am not an atheist since I do believe that there is a possibility for god(s) to exist, but definitely do not pray to any. I instead believe that each of us alone is master of our destiny, are responsible for discovering what our life’s purpose is, and to understand our authentic selves. I am a spiritual person and do find it unfortunate that the atheists are missing the boat. In the same way that we do not see light, but see by it, it is possible that just […]
by Chris Billowsin Spirit Speculations0 commentstags: Meaning of Life
It is generally known that life is not fair. There is starvation in Africa and amazing wealth in California. Some people have blessings of a great jobs, health, and loving family, while there are others who are dumb, sick, and unattractive. If life was fair those who commit crimes against the innocent would always be punished. If life was fair businesses who pollute would pay for their crime. If life was fair we would never be governed by leaders who are oppressive or incompetent. But the problem is our attitude and expectations, not that life is unfair. We expect fairness from life and are disappointed, dejected, and depressed when we don’t get our way. We are deluded because we expect the impossible. This delusion, based on socialist and humanist notions that life must be fair for everyone, is the height of absurdity. Life is not fair and its time to get used to it. Life may not be fair, but it still has immense meaning. We need to understand that we are all interconnected to each other and the reason why some do may be poor is so that others can have more. People are poor in Africa because ecological […]
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