by Chris Billowsin Jets Flight Control0 commentstags: Hockey Stats
Today marks the start of the NHL’s 2015-16 Season! Hockey geeks the world over are compiling stats and numbers to see where every team will compare. Here are the comparisons between teams with their Weight, Height, Age, and Playoff Distance collected in a simple web page. [advanced_iframe securitykey=”f1c7736ca92d4b6153f3d7f60bd5d4d6ae63d8ee” src=”” width=”100%” height=”700″]
by Chris Billowsin Playstates Theory0 commentstags: Definitions
So what does Play mean? We all know you can play a game. But you can also play a song, play a movie, or be in a play. Its a verb “to engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose”, and a noun “an activity engaged in for enjoyment and recreation, especially by children”. Yet, we use the word in more playful ways. When you play a movie, everyone knows that you are not playing it like you would a game of Minecraft. You play a song, play in a band, play a sport, or play on a person’s emotions. A person can play a Vine adventure but also play an Online Battle Arena. That’s why we need to relax when it comes to defining what ‘Play’ means. To play a game requires different skills and senses depending on the game. There are lots of ways to Play, so that’s why we have lots of different kinds of games. Play is not work, yet some games demand such a high level of effort and skill, they will demand more investment than some less demanding paid work. So go ahead and play. Just don’t forget […]
by Chris Billowsin Playstates Theory0 commentstags: Adventure 2600
Dear Mr. Robinette, What follows is an open letter to you from my blog to thank you for your pioneering masterpiece, Adventure (1979). It is in response to your GDC presentation that you delivered earlier this year. While you admitted that Will Crowther’s Adventure (1977) inspired you, what you created was a 90 degree game that took the industry in new directions. The amazing thing about Adventure was it was a simulation that provided a dynamic, emergent narrative. You touched on the following accomplishments in your presentation: Yes, Adventure was the first action adventure game. Yes, Adventure pioneered technology to help create the first comic superhero game Superman (1979). Yes, Adventure won an Arcade award, and Superman, that used your technology also won a Arcade award the same year. Yes, Adventure contained the first ever Easter Egg and sent a F-U message to corporate cronies who treated developers like faceless factory workers. These are all things to be in awe of, but what made me so in love with Adventure was that it was primarily a simulation. Not a tedious simulation where making a wrong move would crash your Flight Simulator. It was a fantasy quest simulation with items, dragons, […]
by Chris Billowsin Playstates Theory0 commentstags: Games and Jung
Note: This is an open letter to Daniel Cook at All replies are welcome. Dear Dan, I am responding to your article ‘Shadow Emotions and Primary Emotions‘ which was shared in response to my Twitter inquiry: @danctheduck Hmm… I’m fascinated. I will write you a blog-letter with my own understanding of what you wrote. I think Jung can help. — Chris Billows (@Doc_Surge) July 6, 2015 In your blog post, you state that there are two kinds of emotions: Primary and Shadow. Primary emotions come from Games, while Shadow emotions derive from Art. I am not enthusiastic about these labels since you are clearly stating that Primary emotions possesses greater depth than Shadow emotions. Because emotions are not objectively measurable, I am not convinced that its possible to say that one set of emotions is deeper than another. Labels aside, your insight into the different emotional timbres of Games and Art is worth a deeper look. Through simple observation alone, we see that the act of participating in any game is far different than perusing an art gallery or reading a book. The level of engagement and stake in a game is far greater. But how do these different […]
by Chris Billowsin Jets Flight Control0 commentstags: Jets Draft, Jets Improvement, Minor League Stats
In anticipation of the 2015 NHL Entry Draft, I have prepared two posts that evaluate the cumulative draft and develop progress of the Winnipeg Jets. Drafting is the single best way for a sports franchise to build success so its not surprising that Winnipeg Jets Management has made draft and develop its central strategy. This post (and the one that preceded it) will break down how the Jets have done with their 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 draft picks up to the end of 2014-15 season (which is why this evaluation goes from 2011 to 2015). I have created a table that tracks each draft prospect taken by the Jets according to a very simple, transparent statistic called ProGames (ProGms). ProGames counts the number of NHL and AHL games that a drafted player accumulates for their new team. NHL games played count as 1.0 ProGms while AHL games played count as 0.5 ProGms, and these are accumulated across both Regular Season and Playoff Games. So a drafted player who plays 20 NHL and 10 AHL games for his new team will accumulate 25 ProGms for his team. While the goal of the draft is to have each draftee become an […]
by Chris Billowsin Jets Flight Control0 commentstags: Jets Draft, Jets Improvement, Minor League Stats
In anticipation of the 2015 NHL Entry Draft, I have prepared two posts that evaluate the cumulative draft and develop progress of the Winnipeg Jets. Drafting is the single best way for a sports franchise to build success so its not surprising that Winnipeg Jets Management has made draft and develop its central strategy. This post (and the one that follows it) will break down how the Jets have done with their 2011, 2012, and 2013 draft picks up to the end of 2013-14 season (which is why this evaluation goes from 2011 to 2014). I have created a table that tracks each draft prospect taken by the Jets according to a very simple, transparent statistic called ProGames (ProGms). ProGames counts the number of NHL and AHL games that a drafted player accumulates for their new team. NHL games played count as 1.0 ProGms while AHL games played count as 0.5 ProGms, and these are accumulated across both Regular Season and Playoff Games. So a drafted player who plays 20 NHL and 10 AHL games for his new team will accumulate 25 ProGms for his team. While the goal of the draft is to have each draftee become an NHL […]
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